Tips for keeping a good piano

  • Have the piano serviced regularly
    Not just tuned every 6-12 months. Have repairs and adjustments made to make the piano the best it can be, not just "get by." The piano should be fully regulated every 5 to 10 years, depending on how it is used. That means you'll need to find a tuner who can not only make your piano sound good, but one who can work to keep it playing well.
  • Control the humidity and temperature
    Humidity changes are a piano's worst enemy. Temperature changes cause humidity levels to change. This is one reason neglected pianos wear out. Get with your piano technician and explore ways to keep the humidity levels consistent around your piano.
  • Keep liquids off the piano.
    One of the most common rebuilding repairs is to get rid of water rings from the top of a piano - and that's just a cosmetic problem. Plants on pianos is not a good idea. A spilled cup of coffee can total devastate a grand piano action, its pin block, the finish - and puts the piano right into the shop. It may be a romantic idea to have a beverage on the piano, but is it worth the risk?
  • Keep the piano clean.
    Dust your piano with a feather duster or slightly damp cotton cloth. On grands, keep the lid lowered to keep dust from settling on the sound board - it also tends to warp the lid of the piano. Clean the keys with a slightly damp cloth. This makes it much more pleasant to look at and to play.
  • Don't store pictures or books on the piano
    If you truly want a piano to be attractive to play, it should be cluttered with sheet music or a framed family photo album